A few years ago we saw the collapse of the Green Deal programme. This was designed to increase the uptake of the installation of a range of energy efficiency measures. It failed primarily due to the overly high interest rate on repayment. This flaw was spotted by many critics from the start.
The Green Deal has in fact carried in a small way and seems to have been distilled in the form of the Green Deal Finance Company. This doesn’t quite seem to have fully taken off.
Regardless of that, energy efficiency remains a winning element of the UK’s direction of travel when it comes to energy issues and the Green Deal needs a fully functioning and highly active successor.
The Governments Clean Growth Strategy was released towards the end of 2017. Much of this seems like fine words, but seems unambitious.
The Government needs to take this issue seriously.
Let me put it very simply…
If we have a programme to improve energy efficiency in the UK, it means that we are less dependent on energy imports. We currently import around 57% of the natural gas that we use in the UK (as of May 2018).
Energy efficiency also means that we cut our greenhouse gas emissions – using less energy means lower carbon emissions. If we are to tackle climate change, we need to use all of the tools in the box. And one of those tools is energy efficiency.
Finally, it means lower bills for the consumer. Hot water and heating make up around four-fifths of most fuel bills in the UK. Improving home insulation, like extra loft insulation, means that you need less gas to get your home up to the desired temperature. Using less gas means saving more money!
We need an effective and energy efficiency programme in the UK, whether this is an enhanced Green Deal or something new. We need a scheme that delivers. Not just words.
The more ambitious the UK Government is, the bigger the rewards for energy security, carbon emissions and savings on domestic bills.
And let’s not forget the urgency of climate change. If it’s something that you’re unfamiliar with, the American website Sceptical Science is a good reference point.