So, you run a small business and you’ve given the occasional casual thought to the benefits of installing solar panels on your building or buildings. But – you never have the time to sit down and work out if it’s worth doing. And you don’t want to contact an installation company because you know you’ll […]
The rise of the Electric Vehicle and what that means
The clean energy revolution continues. Every year we hear of more records broken around the world for the rate of renewable energy installation. This trend is set to continue along with the addition of varying scales of battery storage and the future addition of tidal power despite recent political problems with tidal energy in the UK. Along […]
Energy efficiency is a win, win, win!
A few years ago we saw the collapse of the Green Deal programme. This was designed to increase the uptake of the installation of a range of energy efficiency measures. It failed primarily due to the overly high interest rate on repayment. This flaw was spotted by many critics from the start. The Green Deal […]
Farmers – Could you host a small wind turbine?
Do you own land that could accommodate a small wind turbine? You could get either free or cheaper electricity which helps cut your business overheads. What we’re talking about is a 15kW turbine, up to 19m in height. The turbine needs to be located around 400m from neighbouring properties and around 100m from first-party buildings. […]
Otley Town Council Renewable Energy Feasibility Study
Earlier this year, we completed a renewable energy feasibility study for Otley Town Council. With a focus on community-led or owned schemes, we were asked to look at potential options for community renewable energy projects within the council boundary. Potentially, this was an enormous task, so we identified several options to focus on. Following early […]